PassportGOLD Demo Version Copyright 1993 by Diversified Systems Resources *** TABs are used in this document for formatting purposes. *** For better appearance, please change your editor's tab *** stop to 8 characters. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ System Requirements ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PassportGOLD runs on an IBM PC, PS/2 or 100% compatible microcomputer running MS-DOS or PC-DOS version 3.3 and higher. A minimum of 640K of RAM is required, as well as a hard drive with at least 10 Meg of available space. A color video adapter is recommended. PassportGOLD will run on XT class PCs as well as on systems with faster CPUs (386,etc.). A mouse can be used with the system. PassportGOLD uses two communication components. The first component, expEDIte Base, provides the system the capability to connect to the ADVANTIS Network. The second component, DSRconnect, enables direct dial capabilities. Other communications packages can be used by PassportGOLD but only the two above are included in the base package. A MODEM must be connected to the PC. A basic Hayes-compatible 2400 or 9600 baud MODEM is sufficient. Contact a local dealer for more information, or call DSR Technical Support. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The User Interface +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PassportGOLD was designed to be easy to use, with pulldown menus, pop up dialog box data entry windows, lookup tables, mouse support and online help. The user interface is modeled on the popular graphical windowing environments, but uses a text and keyboard interface for enhanced system performance. There may be some differences between PassportGOLD and other interfaces you have used, so please take a few moments and review this section. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Menu ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ONLINE: Dynamic data entry and custom reports through user defined screens. ADMINISTRATION: Menu for EDI maintenance and setup. EDI PROCESSING: Processes EDI data. QUIT: Exit PassportGOLD. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The ADMINISTRATION pulldown menu accesses routines used for EDI maintenance and setup. Processes called by the menu include: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FLATFILE SETUP: Setup for EDI processing. TRADING PARTNER: Trading Partner information update. VERSIONS: View/update existing EDI versions. SECURITY: Update user names and passwords. REFERENCE TABLES: User defined tables. UTILITIES: Helpful tools for EDI administration. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Flatfile Setup for a SEND Application +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The FLATFILE SETUP pulldown menu accesses routines used to define the application file and create EDI maps. FLATFILE TO EDI: Send application. APPLICATION SELECTION: Define Application Flatfile. MAP FLATFILE TO EDI: Map Application Flatfile to EDI Standard. GROUP DEFINITIONS: Allows multiple documents to be sent within one GS. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ List of SEND Applications ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SELECT: Define new record indicators and record fields. COPY: Copy related application information to a new application name. ADD: Create a new application. EDIT: Edit information for the selected application. DELETE: Delete the entire application record. REPORT: Print a report on the selected application. TO FLOPPY: Copy selected application to a floppy disk. FROM FLOPPY: Copy an application from a floppy disk. CLOSE: Return to Main Menu. NOTE: The TO FLOPPY selection allows the user to make backup copies of the selected SEND application for storage or to copy the application to send to a Trading Partner who is also using PassportGOLD. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Add/Edit SEND Applications +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This function will create/edit a flatfile record format. NAME: Name of application. DESCRIPTION: User defined description. FIXED or VARIABLE: Records can be fixed/variable length. * FIELD SEPARATOR: Used for variable length record; user enters the character that will separate each field. RECORD TYPE START POS: Starting position in the record where the record format will start. RECORD TYPE LENGTH: Length of the record type. *This field is used only for a RECEIVE transaction. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Setup Record Types (SEND) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INDICATOR: Add/change a record indicator. DEFINE: Brings up next screen which lists actual elements for the selected record indicator. COPY: Copy the field names of the selected record indicator to a new field record. DELETE: Delete the selected record indicator. CLOSE: Return to previous screen. NOTE: In the SEND application, the new record indicator (maximum of 30 characters) points to the application. The new record indicator is necessary to point the translator to the correct record type when processing Flatfile to EDI data. In the RECEIVE application the new record indicator points to the EDI segment. Flatfile records must be in the same order as the EDI document. You cannot map an element from a record that has not yet occurred or has been previously processed. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Setup Record Format (SEND) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EDIT: Edit a field format. ADD: Add additional field formats. Added format will be placed at the end of the list. DELETE: Delete a field format. INSERT: Insert a new field format. The new field added will be inserted in place of the highlighted selection, which will move down one position in the list. The SEQ numbers will be automatically recalculated. CLOSE: Return to previous screen. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Edit/Add/Insert Application Format (SEND) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SEQUENCE NO: Positions the record within the list. FIELD NAME: Describes the element field; will accept a maximum of 13 characters. TYPE: (A) Alphanumeric, (N[0-9]) Numeric, (MM) MMDDYY, (DD) DDMMYY, (YY) YYMMDD, (TM) TIME. H/D/S: Header, detail or summary field. LENGTH: Length of field. Specified field length should be between 1 and 100. VALUE: Static text within single quotes or variable name. A literal or Reserved Word placed here will write it to the Application flatfile. See Appendix for list of Reserved Words. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mapping a SEND Transaction +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Functions accessed here allow outbound data to be mapped to an EDI document. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ List of Maps for a SEND Transaction +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The options available from this screen are : SELECT: Brings up a list of segments for the selected map. ADD: Add a new map. DELETE: Delete a map. EDIT: Edit map information. COPY: Copy a map to a new map name. TO FLOPPY*: Copy a map to a floppy disk. FROM FLOPPY: Copy a map from a floppy disk. REPORT: Print a report of all map fields. CLOSE: Return to Main Menu. *NOTE: This selection makes a backup copy for storage or a copy of the map to be sent to your Trading Partner who is also using PassportGOLD. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Map Add/Update (SEND) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VERSION: EDI version the map will be created from (003010, 002040, etc.). SET: Document type, such as 810 (Invoice). MAP NAME: Unique name for this map. DESCRIPTION: Description of this document map. RECEIVE/SEND: Display only. R or S will automatically be inserted for Receive/Send. APPLICATION: Name of application flatfile the map will use. This name may be the same as the map name. NOTE: In the EDIT function, the only fields that can be changed are DESCRIPTION and APPLICATION. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SEND Segment List ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This function will display a list of segments associated with the defined document map. The headings of this list, and a brief description of each, are as follows: SEQ: Number assigned by PassportGOLD and used to keep the items in the list in order. items in order. SEG: ANSI assigned name for the selected document. DESCRIPTION: ANSI assigned description of the selected segment. ID: Loop ID. (An example : the N1, N2, N3, and N4 segments, as a group, may occur more than once. Select EDIT, then place N1 in the ID field for each segment in the Loop. The translator will recognize that a second set N1, N2, N3 and N4 may follow. This will create an N1 Loop. USE: Refers to the number of times a segment will occur. FMT: Points segment to record in the application file. H/D/S: Header, detail or summary field. Headers must be designated for translation processing. The options available from this screen are: SELECT: Accesses a list of elements for the selected segment. EDIT: Edit the selected segment. INSERT: Insert a segment into the list. The inserted segment will be listed in place of the highlighted segment, which will move down one place. DELETE: Delete the highlighted segment. PassportGOLD will not allow mandatory segments to be deleted. CLOSE: Return to previous screen. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Element List (SEND) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Element List screen displays elements that are part of the segment selected from the previous screen. SELECT: Select the highlighted element to be mapped to the application flatfile. NEXT: Go to the next usage. Multiple usages may be necessary for repeating segments to be used for different values. PREVIOUS: Go to previous usage. CLOSE: Return to previous screen. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Map (SEND) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ F2 List: List available field names and reserve words. F4 Prev Usage: Go to previous occurrence. F5 Next Usage: Go to next occurrence. F8 Prev Element: Go to previous element. F9 Next Element: Go to next element. +++++++++++++++++ Upper Left Box- + +++++++++++++++++ MOVE: A value that is held by the variable in the MOVE field will be placed into the variable in the TO field. Literals, Application Flatfile fields, and Reserve Words may be used. TO: EDI element the data is being moved to. ACCUMULATOR: The MOVE variable must be numeric and the value of the MOVE variable will be added to the value of the ACCUMULATOR variable. SAVE: The constant value can be saved to be used later. COUNTER: Every time this element is processed the counter variable will be incremented by one. ++++++++++++++++ Lower Left Box-+ ++++++++++++++++ IF: Conditional operations can be performed. Up to three IF conditions may be performed. CTABLE: Compare Table, useful in converting lists of data. (See Reference Tables) VTABLE: Verify Table, useful in verifying lists of data. (See Reference Tables) CONCAT: Data may be concatenated or deconcatenated. (See Reference Tables) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RECEIVE Application Setup ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EDI TO FLATFILE: Receive application. APPLICATION SELECTION: Define the application flatfile. MAP EDI TO FLATFILE : Map the incoming EDI data to the application flatfile. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ List of RECEIVE Applications +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SELECT: Define data fields in the application. COPY: Copy all related application information to a new application name. ADD: Create a new application. EDIT: Change information for the selected application. DELETE: Remove the selected application. REPORT: Print a report on the selected application. TO FLOPPY*: Copy the selected application to a floppy disk. FROM FLOPPY: Copy an application from a floppy disk. CLOSE: Return to Main Menu. *NOTE: This selection will make a backup copy of the RECEIVE application for storage or a copy of the application to send to another Trading Partner who is also using PassportGOLD. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Add/Edit RECEIVE Applications ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NAME: Name of application. DESCRIPTION: User defined description. FIXED or VARIABLE: Records can be fixed/variable length. FIELD SEPARATOR: Used for variable length record; user enters the character that will separate each field. RECORD TYPE START POS: Starting position in the record where the record format will start. RECORD TYPE LENGTH: Length of the key field. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Setup Record Types (RECEIVE) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This screen is a list of record types for the application. The application can have as many as 40 different record types. The first record type must be entered in FMT 01 and no FMT should be skipped (i.e. 4 record types should be in FMT 01,02,03,04; not 01,02,05,06). A new record indicator tells the translator when to create that record (i.e. Rec.FMT01 will be created each time the BEG segment is read). INDICATOR: Add/change the description of a new record indicator. For a RECEIVE application, entry will be a maximum of three characters and will be an actual EDI segment. DEFINE: Bring up the next screen which lists all of the actual elements for the selected record indicator. COPY: Copy all the field names of the selected record indicator to a new record field. DELETE: Delete the selected record indicator. CLOSE: Return to previous screen. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Setup Record Format (RECEIVE) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EDIT: Edit a field format. ADD: Add additional field formats. Added format will be placed at the end of the list. DELETE: Delete a field format. INSERT: Insert a new field format. The new field added will be inserted in place of the highlighted selection, which will automatically move down one position in the list. The SEQ numbers will be automatically recalculated. CLOSE: Return to previous screen. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Edit/Add/Insert Application Format (RECEIVE) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SEQUENCE NO: Position the record within the list. (Automatically assigned). FIELD NAME: Describe the element field using a maximum of 13 characters. TYPE: (A) Alphanumeric, (N[0-9]) Numeric, (MM) MMDDYY, (DD) DDMMYY, (YY) YYMMDD, (TM) TIME. H/D/S: Header, Detail or Summary field. LENGTH: Length of field. Specified field length should be between 1 and 100. VALUE: Data may be inserted using Value. Literals may be inserted by using single quote marks. RESERVE WORDS may also be used, simply press @ for list of RESERVED WORDS. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mapping a RECEIVE Transaction +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Functions accessed here allow inbound EDI to be mapped to the application record. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ List of Maps for a (RECEIVE) Transaction ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SET: EDI document number. MAP NAME: User defined name of the map. DESCRIPTION: User defined description of the map. VERSION: Refers to the EDI version being utilized. Contact DSR for additional versions. R/S: Specifies whether the transaction is a RECEIVE or SEND. APP NAME: User defined application name associated with the selected map. The options available from this screen are: SELECT: Display a list of segments for the selected map. ADD: Create a new map. DELETE: Delete a complete map. EDIT: Edit information for the selected map. COPY: Copy a complete map to a new map name. TO FLOPPY: Copy a map to a floppy disk. FROM FLOPPY: Copy a map from a floppy disk. REPORT: Print a report of all map fields. CLOSE: Return to Main Menu. Map Add/Update (RECEIVE) EDIT Option: VERSION: EDI version the map will be created from. SET: Document type, such as 810, 850, etc. MAP NAME: Unique name for this map. DESCRIPTION: Description of this document map. RECEIVE/SEND: Will automatically be inserted for Receive/Send. APPLICATION: Name of application the map will use. This name may be the same as the map name. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RECEIVE Segment List +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This function will display a list of segments associated with the defined document map. The headings of this list, and a brief description of each, are as follows: SEQ: Number assigned by PassportGOLD and used to keep the items in the list in order. SEG: ANSI assigned name for the selected document. DESCRIPTION: ANSI assigned description of the selected segment. ID: Loop ID. (An example: the N1, N2, N3, and N4 segments, as a group, may occur more than once. Select EDIT, then place N1 in the ID field for each segment in the Loop. The translator will recognize that a second set of N1, N2, N3 and N4 may follow. This will create an N1 Loop. USE: Refers to the number of times a segment will occur a this sequence in the EDI file. The options available from this screen are: SELECT: Select segment to be mapped. Next Screen will be a list of elements in that segment. EDIT: Edit the selected segment. INSERT: Insert a segment into the list. The inserted segment will be listed in place of the highlighted segment, which will move down one place. DELETE: Delete the highlighted segment. PassportGOLD will not allow mandatory segments to be deleted. CLOSE: Return to previous screen. Element List (RECEIVE) This function will display a list of elements that are associated with a specific segment. SELECT: Select the highlighted element to be mapped to the application flatfile. NEXT: Go to next usage. Multiple usages may be used for repeating segments to be used for different values. PREVIOUS: Go to previous usage. CLOSE: Return to previous screen. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Map (RECEIVE) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ F2 List: List available field names, and reserve words. F4 Prev Usage: Go to previous occurrence. F5 Next Usage: Go to next occurrence. F8 Prev Element: Go to previous element. F9 Next Element: Go to next element. ++++++++++++++++ Upper Left Box-+ ++++++++++++++++ MOVE: A value that is held by the variable in the MOVE field will be placed into the variable in the TO field. Literals, Application Flatfile fields, and Reserve Words may be used. TO: EDI element the data is being moved to. ACCUMULATOR: The MOVE variable must be numeric and the value of the MOVE will be added to the value of the ACCUMULATOR variable. SAVE: The constant value can be saved to be used later. COUNTER: Every time this element is processed the counter variable will be incremented by one. ++++++++++++++++ Map (RECEIVE) + Lower Left Box-+ ++++++++++++++++ IF: Conditional operations can be performed. Up to three IF conditions may be performed. See COMPARISON box in lower right corner of screen: = Equal to, < Less than, > Greater than, <= Less than or equal to, >= Greater than or equal to, >< Not equal to. The two small boxes located directly below the word IF are used to designate additional IF statements. (A=And, O=Or.) CTABLE: Compare Table, useful in converting lists of data.(See Reference Tables) VTABLE: Verify Table, useful in verifying lists of data. (See Reference Tables) CONCAT: Data may be concatenated or deconcatenated. (See Reference Tables) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Setup Trading Partner (SEND) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Make this selection to set up Trading Partner information. Trading Partner List (SEND) An EDI document may be sent to another Trading Partner. ISA and GS information is built from the Trading Partner application. A Trading Partner ID must be set up for each document sent to a Trading Partner. EDIT: Change Trading Partner information. ADD: Add a new Trading Partner to the list. COPY: Copy the selected Trading Partner to a new trading partner record. DELETE: Remove a Trading Partner from the list. TO FLOPPY*: Copy Trading Partner information to a floppy disk. FROM FLOPPY: Copy Trading Partner information from a floppy disk. REPORT: Print a list of Trading Partners. CLOSE: Return to Main Menu. *NOTE: This selection will make backup copies for storage or to send to a Trading Partner using PassportGOLD. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Edit/Add Trading Partner (SEND) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RCVR ISA QUAL: Receiver qualifier. RCVR ISA ID: ID of the Receiver. RECEIVER GS ID: Receiver GS ID. OUR ISA QUAL: Sender Qualifier. OUR ISA ID: Sender ID. OUR GS ID: Sender ID. VERSION: EDI Version. INTERNAL NUMBER: User's internal number for a Trading Partner. SET: Transaction set ID. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Yes or No, whether or not user expects an acknowledgement from a Trading Partner. STORE DIAG DATA: Errors in processing can be stored. This may be useful when testing new EDI applications, but its use can slow translator processing. ELEMENT SEP: Use F2 Pick List for element separators. SEG TERMINATOR: Character used to terminate EDI segments. MAP NAME: Name of map. GROUP NAME: Name of group, if applicable. FLATFILE NAME: Name of the file that will be used as input. ACCOUNT NO: Advantis Account Number. USER ID: Advantis User ID Number. COMPANY NAME: This is a REQUIRED field. TP START POS: Starting position of the Trading Partner number in the application flatfile. Position is only necessary if the TP number is in the application flatfile and there is more than one Trading Partner being processed. TP END POS: Ending position of the Trading Partner number in the application flatfile. DOC START POS: Starting position of the document key. This key tells the translator when to start a new document. DOC END POS: Ending position of the document key. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ISA (SEND) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ See ISA standards in the ANSIx12 manuals or your Trading Partner's implementation guide. AUTHORIZATION CODE QUAL: ISA01 VALUE. AUTHORIZATION INFO: ISA02 VALUE. SECURITY CODE QUAL: ISA03 VALUE. SECURITY INFO: ISA04 VALUE. INTERCHANGE SENDER QUAL: ISA05 VALUE. INTERCHANGE SENDER ID: ISA06 VALUE. INTERCHANGE RECEIVER QUAL: ISA07 VALUE. INTERCHANGE RECEIVER ID: ISA08 VALUE. INTERCHANGE DATE: ISA09 VALUE (COMES FROM SYSTEM AT DATE OF TRANSMISSION.) INTERCHANGE TIME: ISA10 VALUE (COMES FROM SYSTEM AT TIME OF TRANSMISSION.) INTERCHANGE CONTROL ID: ISA11 VALUE (INCREMENTED BY ONE FOR EACH TRANSMISSION.) INTERCHANGE VERSION: ISA12 VALUE. INTERCHANGE CONTROL NO: ISA13 VALUE. ACKNOWLEDGMENT REQUEST: ISA14 VALUE. TEST INDICATOR: ISA15 VALUE. SUB-ELEMENT SEPARATOR: ISA16 VALUE. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sender GS Information ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ See ANSIx12 Standards or your Trading Partner's implementation Guide. FUNCTIONAL ID CODE: GS01 (Supplied by PassportGOLD.) APPLICATION SENDERS CODE: GS02 APPLICATION RECEIVER CODE: GS03 DATE: GS04 (Supplied by PassportGOLD.) TIME: GS05 (Supplied by PassportGOLD.) GROUP CONTROL NUMBER: GS06 (Will be incremented by one each time a GS is processed for this Trading Partner on this document.) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY CODE: GS07 VERSION: GS08 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Setup Trading Partner (RECEIVE) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This function allows the user to set up information to Receive a transaction from a Trading Partner. Trading Partner List (RECEIVE) EDIT: Change Trading Partner information. ADD: Add a Trading Partner to the list. COPY: Copy the selected Trading Partner to a new Trading Partner record. DELETE: Remove a Trading Partner from the list. TO FLOPPY*: Copy Trading Partner information to a floppy disk. FROM FLOPPY: Copy Trading Partner information from a floppy disk. REPORT: Print a list of Trading Partners. CLOSE: Return to Main Menu. *NOTE: This function can be used to make a copy for backup purposes or to make a copy to send to another Trading Partner who is also using PassportGOLD. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Edit/Add Trading Partner (RECEIVE) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Each Trading Partner profile is used to match a given map name. Incoming data is placed into C:\EDIIN\EDIDATA.000. The ISA and GS information is used to determine the map and flatfile name. The data is written in the application flatfile format and placed into the following file: C:\PASSPORT\EDIINBOX\(Application Name).DAT. Each transmission is appended to the end. Simply DELETE the file after data is copied or uploaded to your system. SENDER QUAL: Sending Trading Partner qualifier. SENDER ID: Sending Trading Partner ID. SENDER GS ID: Sending Trading Partner GS ID. OUR TP QUAL: Your identifying qualifier. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Yes or No, whether or not your Trading Partner expects an acknowledgement from you. COMPLIANCE ONLY: Compliance checking only for the Acknowledgement. This will only check for complete EDI transmission control numbers within IEA, GE and SE. TRANSLATE DATA REPORT: Reports on the EDI data (see HELPFUL REPORTS section in Appendix) will be translated. STORE DIAGNOSTIC DATA: Errors in processing are stored if Yes is entered here. This is useful in testing but will slow translation. COMPANY NAME: Name of Trading Partner. ADDRESS: Address of Trading Partner. CITY: City where Trading Partner is located. PHONE: Phone number of Trading Partner. NOTE: Flatfile name can be the same for multiple Trading Partners which will send the EDI data into a single, common flatfile. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Security ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This function allows the addition of User names and Passwords. Enter the name or ID you wish to Add or Modify in "User Name". The "Password" section allows Passwords to be assigned. The "Type" section allows two levels of Security for system entry: User (U) allows access to all menu items except those on the ADMINISTRATION menu; Adminstration (S) will allow access to all menu options. Log-On List Date and Time are recorded for each user every time the system is logged into. DELETE will remove a selected entry from the report. PRINT will generate a printed report of the Log-On List. Reference Tables CROSS-REFERENCE TABLES: Used to change values. VERIFY TABLES: Used to verify incoming codes. CONCAT TABLE: Used to join or split data fields. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Cross-Reference Table ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This screen allows access to add/update cross-reference fields (SELECT), add a new cross-reference table (ADD), remove a cross-reference table (DELETE) or return to the previous screen (CANCEL). Add Reference Table This screen allows a user created table name to be added. The entry line will accept up to six characters. Selected Table This screen shows a list of records in cross-reference table. If Trading Partner ID is "GLOBAL", it will test cross-reference for all Trading Partners. Verify Tables Select Verify Tables to display a list of user defined tables which will be used to verify data. Add Verify Table This screen is used to add a user created table. The data entry field will accept a maximum of six characters for the Verify Table Name. Selected Verify Table This screen shows a list of verify fields. This list must be used with the IF test in the EDI map. The functions available allow verify fields to be added, edited or deleted. Concat Table Elements that require concatenation or deconcatenation (joining/separating multiple elements) can be processed with this function. Select ADD/EDIT to create/modify Concat name and input fields to be concatenated/deconcatenated. Select DELETE to remove the selected item. The Concat name must be referenced in the EDI map. Add/Edit Concat Table This is the screen used to ADD/EDIT Concat Table. Concat name is a unique name that the user creates. Application fields are data items defined in the application flatfile. The Concat name is used by the map to identify fields to be joined. Utilities Menu AUTOEXEC: Executes a .BAT file created by the user to run either before a SEND application is translated or after a RECEIVE application has been translated. COLORS: Change colors of screens. SYSTEM: Designate the number of days that data should be retained. AutoExec This function allows the user to create and define .BAT files to be executed before and after translation. This function is useful for automating SEND and RECEIVE applications. Colors Menu This pulldown menu accesses functions that control/change the colors displayed on all screens. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ System ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Data is stored in its EDI format. If 'Days to keep' is blank, data will not be deleted and must be manually deleted to remove it from the files. WARNING: PassportGOLD will, with a value in the 'Days to keep' field, automatically and periodically delete the files, whether or not files have been backed up on a floppy disk. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EDI PROCESSING ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This pulldown menu accesses the Communications choices of PassportGOLD, two supplementary functions for EDI processing (Flatfile to EDI Conversion and EDI to Flatfile Conversion) and the management of history (Archive/Restore). The two supplementary EDI processing choices will cause data to be translated but not transmitted. The Transmit function of PassportGOLD will automatically translate data to be Sent/Received without needing to access these two functions. Communication Choices This pulldown menu will access the communications functions of PassportGOLD. The ADVANTIS selection will allow use of the Advantis Network. The DIRECT DIAL selection will transmit data directly without use of a network. Advantis Menu The Advantis Menu is used to transmit data via the Advantis Network. See page 110 [Step 14] for information on setting up an Advantis account. The Comm Setup and ID Setup functions must be accessed before transmission can occur. The Transmit Now feature will allow immediate transmission while the Transmit Later feature will allow transmission to occur at a specified date and time. Transmit Now When the Transmit Now selection is made, and Comm Setup and ID Setup completed, PassportGOLD will automatically translate and transmit the specified data. The screen shown above will be on view during transmission to the Advantis Network. Transmit Later The Transmit Later feature of PassportGOLD allows the user to specify a time and date for transmission to occur. The time setting must be specified using the 24 hour clock. If transmission is to occur at 2:00 p.m. set the time here at 14:00. The date entry must be filled with a valid date. If you specify month at 01, and day at 43, transmission will not occur since January obviously does not have 43 days. Comm Setup The Communications Setup screen allows you to set the communication environment that PassportGOLD will use to transmit data to and from Information Exchange. PassportGOLD is designed to operate over a dialup connection but is capable of utilizing other types of connections if used in conjunction with a communications package that supports an IBM-compatible HLLAPI (see Connection Type field in this section). The following sections describe the various fields on the Communications Setup screen. The Comm Port, Modem Type, Modem Initialization and the first Phone Number are required. All other fields are optional or have a default value. Most fields on the Communication Setup screen have a hotkey. The hotkey is the highlighted character in the field name. You may go directly to a field by pressing A and the hotkey. At the top of the screen is the dialing information. You may enter up to five telephone numbers. Telephone Number 1 is required. Telephone Numbers 2 - 5 are optional and are used in sequence if PassportGOLD cannot connect to the previous number. For example, if PassportGOLD is unable to establish a connection to Telephone Number 1 it will automatically try Telephone Number 2. If unable to establish a connection on Telephone Number 2 it will automatically try Telephone Number 3 and so on. It is not necessary to enter numbers for all five Telephone Numbers; PassportGOLD will use as many numbers as are present. PHONE NUMBERS To select a telephone number press @ or click on the Selection List button (small box with up/down facing arrows at the right of the Telephone Number field). This will bring up the Select Phone Number window. This window allows you to select the telephone number that PassportGOLD will dial to establish a connection with Information Exchange. The Select Phone Number window is broken into three sections: Countries, States and Cities. The currently selected country is highlighted in the Countries list. The States list is the active list when the window is displayed with the highlight bar on the first entry in the list. Changing Countries - If you wish to change the current country, press S+W or click in the Countries list. Highlight the desired country and press Q or double-click on the desired country. To return to the States list press W or click in the States list. Note that the contents of the States and Cities lists change. If you are selecting a country other than USA or Canada you will need to return to the Communication Setup screen and specify Worldwide in the Connection Type field. The Connection Type of Expedite (which is preset and cannot be changed) is only supported in these countries so no telephone numbers will be displayed if you select a country other than one of these. Changing States - Use Y, U, O and I to highlight the desired state. You may also scroll through the list of states by typing the first letter of the state to go directly to the first state beginning with that letter. Example: If you wish to select Florida press f (see the next figure ). If the first state is not the one that you want press U until the one that you want is highlighted. If you are using a mouse click on the up or down arrow in the scroll bar at the right side of the States list to scroll the list of states and click on the desired state. As you scroll through the list of states the contents of the Cities list will change. When you have highlighted the desired state press W to jump to the Cities list or click in the Cities list. Selecting a City - The Cities list contains all Advantis nodes in the selected Country and State for the current Connection Type. Use Y, U, O and I to highlight the desired city. You may also scroll through the list of cities by typing the first letter of the city to go directly to the first city beginning with that letter. If you are using a mouse click on the up or down arrow in the scroll bar at the right side of the Cities list to scroll the list of cities and click on the desired city. Some cities will have more than one entry for different modem speeds (see figure below). When you have highlighted the desired city press Q or double-click on it. You may return to the Communication Setup screen without selecting a telephone number by pressing D or clicking on the Cancel button. You may return to the States list by pressing S+W or clicking in the States list. If the city that you are in is not listed, it is normally best to select Nationwide from the States list and Nationwide Fee from the Cities list. There is a surcharge applied for using the Nationwide Fee number so do not use it unless a local number is not available. Also in certain major metropolitan areas a flat fee is charged to make a crosstown call. Using a crosstown number will normally be less expensive than using the Nationwide Fee number. After you have selected a telephone number it is returned to the Communication Setup screen along with a Maximum Baud rate and a default number of Retries. You may make changes to the telephone number that was returned by typing in the Telephone Number field. NOTE: If you wish to add a number to reach an outside line, enter it in the Outside Line field at the bottom of the screen. (Example: you may have to first dial 9 to access an outside line.) MAX BAUD The Max Baud field is the maximum speed supported by the selected telephone number and the selected modem type. If you selected a 9600 bps telephone number and a 2400 bps modem then Max Baud will be 2400 bps. To Change Max Baud - Press W to move to the Max Baud field or click in the Max Baud field Press @ or click on the Selection List button (small box with up/down facing arrows at the right of the Max Baud field). A list of valid modem speeds is displayed (see figure below). Use the Y or U keys to highlight the desired speed and press Q. If you are using a mouse double-click on the desired speed. RETRIES The Retries field contains the number of times PassportGOLD will try the associated telephone number before moving on to the next one. To Change Retries - Press W once if you are in the Max Baud field or twice if in the Telephone Number field. If you are using a mouse click in the Retries field. Press @ or click on the Selection List button (small box with up/down facing arrows at the right of the Retries field). A list of valid Retry numbers is displayed (see figure below). Use the Y or U keys to highlight the desired number of Retries and press Q. If you are using a mouse double-click on the desired number of Retries. You may also enter Retries by typing the number in the Retries field. Valid values are 0 to 9. Only the first Telephone Number, Max Baud and Retries fields must be filled in, the remaining four are optional. When you have filled in the desired Telephone Number lines press A plus hotkey to move to the next desired field (example:A +mto go to the Modem Type field). If you are using a mouse you may click on the field that you wish to work with next. You may also move through the fields by pressing Y, U, W and Q. OUTSIDE LINE The Outside Line field is used to specify a number or numbers to dial out of the local PBX. Many businesses and hotels maintain their own Private Branch Exchanges. If you wish to dial a number outside of that business or hotel you must first dial a number (such as 9) to reach an outside line. Enter the number required to reach an outside line in this field. MODEM TYPE The Modem Type field is used to specify the Manufacturer and model of your modem. Press @ or click on the Selection List button (small box with up/down facing arrows at the right of the Modem Type field). This will bring up the Select Modem window (see figure below). There are three columns of information in this window. The first column (Modem) contains the modem manufacturer and model. The second column (Baud) contains the maximum speed supported by the modem. The third column (Init String) contains the initialization string that PassportGOLD will send to the modem prior to dialing. You may select a modem from this list, add a modem to the list, edit an existing modem definition or delete a modem from the list. Each of these options is described in the following sections. To select a modem from the list using the keyboard- Use theY, U, O and I keys to scroll through the list of modems. Highlight the desired modem and press Q. You may locate your modem more quickly by using Quick Find. Quick Find allows you to reduce the number of selections that you must scroll through. To use Quick Find type the first character of your modem manufacturer's name. The first modem beginning with that character will be highlighted. If there are a number of manufacturers that begin with that character you may want to type additional characters. Each character that you enter will narrow the search further. For example, if you have a Zoom modem enter a Z. The first modem manufacturer beginning with Z will be highlighted (usually Zenith). Next type an O. This will display the first modem manufacturer beginning with ZO. Use the Y or U keys to highlight your specific model and press Q or A+o The selected Modem Type and the Modem Initialization string will be returned to the Communication Setup screen. To select a modem from the list using a mouse - Click on the up or down arrows in the scroll bar on the right side of the modem list. Double click on the desired modem to return the Modem Type and the Modem Initialization string to the Communication Setup screen. NOTE: If your modem is not listed and you do not have the necessary information to add it to the list of modems, try ''. To add a modem to the list - PressA +aor click on the Add button. This will bring up the Add Modem window (see figure below). Modem Name - In the Modem Name field type the name of your modem as you wish it to appear in the Modem list and press Q. Baud Rate - In the Baud Rate field press @ or click on the Selection List button (small box with up/down facing arrows at the right of the field) and select the maximum speed supported by your modem. NOTE: If you specify 9600 then your modem must support the V.32 protocol. Some modem manufacturers support 9600 bps with a proprietary protocol that is not supported by the Advantis network. If your modem supports 9600 bps but does not support the V.32 protocol choose 2400. Highlight the desired speed and press Q. Reset - Enter the command to reset the modem to the factory defaults. This field is optional. Press W to skip this field or click in the Initialization field. Initialization - Enter the modem initialization string that will be sent to the modem prior to dialing. There are two primary considerations for this field. First, all error correction and data compression features on the modem must be turned off. Second, hardware flow control must be turned off. See your modem manual for the proper commands to turn these functions off. After you have entered the initialization string press Q or click in the next field. MNP Disable - Enter the command required to disable error correction and Command data compression. Your modem may use a different form of correction/compression than MNP (Microcom Networking Protocol) but you can still enter the commands to disable these functions in this field. If you entered the commands to turn off these functions in the Modem Initialization field it is not necessary to enter them again in this field. Press Q to move to the MNP Enable Command field or click in this field. MNP Enable - This field is not currently used by PassportGOLD. When you have filled in all of the required values on the Add Modem screen press A + O or click on the OK button. If you wish to return to the Select Modem screen without adding a new modem press D or click on the Cancel button. An example is shown in the figure below to add a modem called My Modem. The new modem definition is added to the modem list and is highlighted on the Select Modem screen (see figure below). To edit a modem definition using the keyboard- Use the Y, U, O and I keys to scroll through the list of modems. Highlight the desired modem and press A + E. You may locate your modem more quickly by using Quick Find. Quick Find allows you to reduce the number of selections that you must scroll through. To use Quick Find type the first character of your modem manufacturer's name. The first modem beginning with that character will be highlighted. If there are a number of manufacturers that begin with that character you may want to type additional characters. Each character that you enter will narrow the search further. For example, if you have a Zoom modem enter a Z. The first modem manufacturer beginning with Z will be highlighted (usually Zenith). Next type an O. This will display the first modem manufacturer beginning with ZO. Use the Y or U keys to highlight your specific model and press A + E. To edit a modem definition using a mouse - Click on the up or down arrows in the scroll bar on the right side of the modem list. Click on the desired modem to highlight it then click on the Edit button. An example of the Edit Modem screen for a COMPAQ LTE modem is shown in the figure below. See the section on adding a modem to the list for an explanation of the fields. To delete a modem from the list using the keyboard- Use the Y, U, O and I keys to scroll through the list of modems. Highlight the desired modem and press A + D. You may locate the modem more quickly by using Quick Find. Quick Find allows you to reduce the number of selections that you must scroll through. To use Quick Find type the first character of the modem manufacturer's name. The first modem beginning with that character will be highlighted. If there are a number of manufacturers that begin with that character you may want to type additional characters. Each character that you enter will narrow the search further. For example, if you want to find a Zoom modem enter a Z. The first modem manufacturer beginning with Z will be highlighted (usually Zenith). Next type an O. This will display the first modem manufacturer beginning with ZO. Use the Y or U keys to highlight the desired modem and press A + D. To delete a modem from the list using a mouse - Click on the up or down arrows in the scroll bar on the right side of the modem list. Click on the desired modem to highlight it then click on the Delete button. The Delete Modem Confirmation window will be displayed (see figure below). Press A + Y to delete the modem or click on the Yes button. If you wish to return to the Select Modem screen without deleting the modem press A + N or click on the No button. MODEM INITIALIZATION The Modem Initialization field contains the initialization string that is sent to the modem prior to dialing. This value was returned when you selected a modem from the Select Modem window. You may edit this value but it is not recommended. CONNECTION TYPE The Connection Type field is not an optional field in PassportGOLD. It is preset to read Expedite and cannot be changed. COMM PORT Use this option to specify the asynchronous communications port assigned to your modem. PassportGOLD supports COM ports 1 - 4. Press @ or click on the Selection List button (small box with up/down facing arrows at the right of the Comm Port field). This will bring up a list box with the valid options (see figure below). Use the Y or U keys to highlight the desired port or double-click on it if you are using a mouse. INTERRUPT Use this option to specify the interrupt level assigned to the communications port. Enter a value in this field only if your COM port is using a non-standard interrupt level. The standard interrupt for COM 1 and 3 is 4 and for COM 2 and 4 the standard interrupt is 3. Press @ or click on the Selection List button (small box with up/down facing arrows at the right of the Interrupt field). This will bring up a list box with the valid options (see figure below). Use the Y or U keys to highlight the desired interrupt or double-click on it if you are using a mouse. If you specify a value for this field you MUST specify a value for the I/O Addr field. I/O ADDR Enter the input/output address of your COM port in this field. Enter a value in this field only if your COM port is at a non-standard I/O address. If you enter a value in this field you MUST specify a value in the Interrupt field. Enter the four digit hexadecimal address for your COM port (example: 03F8). PHONE TYPE Use this option to tell PassportGOLD the type of telephone line your modem is connected to. Telephone lines can be 'Tone' or 'Pulse'. A tone line is one that uses a pushbutton dialer to enter the telephone number. If the line is a tone line you will hear a series of beeps or 'tones' as you dial the number. A pulse line is one that uses the old rotary or 'coffee grinder' type of dialer. If the telephone line that you are attempting to use was attached to a handset with a rotary dialer rather than a push button 'tone' type of handset check Pulse on the Phone Type field. Note that a push button phone can still be used with a pulse line. If the telephone receiver makes a series of clicks when you press a button then the line is pulse. Use the R or T keys to mark the appropriate line type or click on the desired line type. TIME ZONE Use this field to tell PassportGOLD which time zone you are in. This information is significant for the Cancel and Audit commands. The table below shows the meaning of each option. CDT - Central Daylight Time CST - Central Standard Time EDT - Eastern Daylight Time EST - Eastern Standard Time MDT - Mountain Daylight Time MST - Mountain Standard Time PDT - Pacific Daylight Time PST - Pacific Standard Time If you are using the keyboard, use the Y, U, R and T keys to mark the appropriate time zone. If you are using a mouse, click on the appropriate time zone. ID Setup The ID Setup option allows the user to enter Advantis Network and Information Exchange accounts, userids and passwords. The top four fields on the screen (Network) apply to the Advantis Network userid. The next four fields apply to your mailbox. The Advantis service administrator or Advantis marketing representative should be able to provide you with this information. A description of the Network fields appears below: 1. Account (required): Enter your Advantis Information Network account name and press enter. 2. UserID (required): Enter your Advantis Information Network userid and press enter. 3. Password (required): Enter your Advantis Information Network password and press enter. 4. New Password (optional): Enter a value in this field to change your Advantis Information Network password. The new password must: a. Be 5 to 8 characters long. b. Contain at least 3 different characters. c. Not be the same as any of your last 3 passwords. d. Begin with an alphabetic character. e. Not be the word 'cancel'. After you have entered a value press enter . It may be necessary to change your network password the first time you use your userid. A description of the Mailbox fields appers below: 1. Account (required): Enter your Advantis Information Exchange account name and press enter. 2. UserID (required): Enter your Advantis Information Exchange userid and press enter. 3. Password (required): Enter your Advantis Information Exchange password and press enter. 4. New Password (optional): Enter a value in this field to change your Advantis Information Exchange password. The new password must: a. Be 5 to 8 characters long. b. Contain at least 3 different characters. c. Not be the same as any of your last 3 passwords. d. Begin with an alphabetic character. e. Not be the word 'cancel'. After you have entered a value press enter. Once you have entered the required information in the above fields, your ID setup is complete. Press OK to proceed. Direct Dial Menu The Direct Dial menu accesses routines used to transmit data directly without the use of the Advantis Network. The first selection, Setup, is used to enable communication capabilities. The other selection, Transmit, will cause transmission to begin. Direct Dial Communications Setup The data entry fields on this screen are: PHONE NO: Enter the complete phone number you wish to transmit to. OUTSIDE LINE: Place any dial prefixes needed to gain access to an outside line. INITIALIZATION STRING: The list of modem commands that are required for the modem to communicate properly with the remote end. HANG-UP STRING: The command the modem expects to terminate the connection. COM PORT: Communication (serial) port to which the modem is attached. BAUD RATE: Speed with which the modem communicates. PARITY: Bit information the remote system is expecting. DATA LENGTH: Bit stream length the remote system is expecting. STOP BITS: Number of Start/Stop bits the remote system is expecting. PROTOCOL: File transfer protocol established by the user. IRQ: Interrupt level the modem is set to. BASIC ADDRESS: Hexidecimal address of the communications (serial) port. This is a required field. TERMINAL EMULATION: Emulation required to be able to work with the system interactively. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Flatfile to EDI Conversion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This selection will process any files in the EDIOUTBX directory. This step does not need to be executed prior to transmission. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EDI to Flatfile Conversion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This selection will process any file in the EDIIN directory. It does not need to be executed after a transmission. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Archive/Restore ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This selection is used to manage historical EDI data. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Document List +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EDI history data is stored by document. Select the document to be viewed from this list. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ History List ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All history is stored in the EDI format as it was received or sent. History is stored by Transaction Set in order of transmission date. "Receive Date" refers to the date a Send document was acknowledged. "Archive" selection will copy the history to a diskette. The "UnArchive" selection will copy history from a floppy drive into PassportGOLD. The "Retrans" selection will retranslate a Receive transaction into the Application Flatfile and will place a Send transaction into a Queue to be transmitted again. The "Diagnostic" selection accesses reports on any errors generated by the translator. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Quit ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Quit selection will exit the user from PassportGOLD. Data will automatically be Translated and placed into C:\PASSPORT\EDIOUT\EDIDATA.OUT. (This file is appended to until data is sent.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Glossary ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ANSI: American National Standards Institute. The recognized coordinator and clearing-house for information on U.S. Standards. ANSI ASC X12: American National Standards Institute Accredited Standards Committee X12. This committee develops and maintains U.S. generic standards for Electronic Data Interchange. APPLICATION FLATFILE: File used to interface between EDI and Application. ARCHIVE: A temporary on-line storage of files imported into or exported from the translator package. AREA: An area is normally a specific part of the transaction set as defined by X12. There are three main areas of a transaction set: Heading, Detail and Summary. BAUD: The speed at which data is transmitted. BLOCK: An amount of data that is moved or addressed as a single unit. Analogous to a "record". BLOCKFILE: Unit of transmission for all data between the beginning and the end. COMPLIANCE CHECKING: Internal editing of an EDI document. Edits for ANSIx12 errors in outgoing and incoming documents. COMPRESSED DATA: A variable length data file where all leading zeroes, trailing spaces, and trailing delimiters are removed. CONCATENATION: Merging of multiple fields into one. CONTROL STRUCTURE: The beginning and ending (header and trailer) segments for entities in electronic data interchange. DATA ELEMENT: The smallest named item in the standard. It can represent a qualifier, a data value, or a textual comment. A data element has two primary attributes: length and type. Analogous to a "field". DATA ELEMENT DELIMITER: A special character which follows every data element, whether the data element is used or not. This delimiter or separator is specified in the Interchange Control Header segment. This delimiter cannot be a character which is found in any data element in the interchange. DATA ELEMENT LENGTH: The range, minimum to maximum, of the number of character positions available to represent the contents of a data element. DATA SEGMENT: Data segment is the intermediate unit of information in a message. A segment consists of a pre-defined set of functionally related data elements which are identified by their sequential positions within the segment. A segment begins with a segment identifier (a unique three character alphabetic upper case code which uniquely identifies each segment) and ends with a segment terminator. DECONCATENATION: A separation of one field that had been previously formed from multiple fields. DETAIL AREA: A Detail Area can be defined as the actual body of the Send or Receive transaction. It is any looping structure that occurs between the Header and Summary of the transaction set. DOCUMENT TURNAROUND: Allows the user to receive a document (such as a purchase order), then store the data in a database within the translator package and subsequently create another document ( such as an invoice, ship notice, etc.). Only a few fields in the outgoing document have to be updated. ELEMENT SEPARATOR: A special character used to separate elements in a segment. Defined in the ICS segment. EXPORT: The translation of EDI data from the translator to an ASCII file and transfer to an application on another or same computer system. (EDI to Flatfile). FRONT-END PROCESSOR: A communication computer associated with a host computer. Usually a PC Translator package is used to convert the ANSIx12 code before it is sent to the host computer or to the Network. FUNCTIONAL GROUP: A collection of related transaction sets. Beginning and ending segments are used to envelop a complete functional group of transaction sets. GS/GE ENVELOPE: Envelope of data that contains one or several documents of the same type. HEADING AREA: Area at the beginning of a transaction set which contains information that relates to the complete transaction set. HEADER: The segment which indicates the start of a transaction to be transmitted. Headers are control structures. Example: ICS or ISA. See also HEADING AREA. IMPORT: The translation and transfer of an ASCII flat file into ANSIx12 data format. The flat file can be from another or same computer system. INTERCHANGE: A collection of one or more functional groups sent from one company to another. One or more transactions are included in an interchange. INTERCHANGE ENVELOPE: The header and trailer segment enclosing one or more functional groups of an EDI transmission to a trading partner. MAILBOX: Storage device or location containing currently queued data for a trading partner. MAPPING: The process of relating a Flat file to an ANSIx12 document. MAPPER: Tables or programs used to translate the Flat file to an ANSIx12 document or translate an ANSIx12 document to a Flat file. MODEM: MOdulator-DEModulator. A device which converts the signal from a computer into a series of tones for transmission over the telephone lines. The process is reversed at the other end. RECEIVER CODE: A code used to identify the location/organization to which the data transmission is to be sent. RECEIVER ID: Identifies the functional group receiver. Used in the envelope to determine the destination of the data transmission and is defined by the trading partner. SEGMENT: A line of data in the standard. It is composed of elements and is analogous to a "record". See "Data Segment". Consists of logically related data elements in a defined sequence. SEGMENT ID: First field in Segment. This identifies the segment. SEGMENT TERMINATOR: A special character used to separate segments in a transaction set. Defined in the ISA segment. SENDER CODE: A code used to reflect location/organization that is generating the data transmission. SET ID: ID or number identifying the Transaction Set. STAND-ALONE: Total EDI and Document processing is handled within the translation package. SUMMARY AREA: Occurs at the end of a transaction set and contains the information that addresses the results of summarizations of information in the detail area. TRAILER: The ending segment of a set of segments. The trailer is a control structure. Example: ICE or IEA. TRANSACTION SET: A complete business document. Synonym for "document" or "message". TRADING PARTNER: Another company or individual that you normally conduct business with. TURN-AROUND DOCUMENT: Ability of EDI Translator to take incoming EDI document and create an outgoing electronic document. VERSION: Standard Versions. i.e. 003010, 003020, 003020. X12: A term which originates from ANSI and refers to the ANSI standard for inter-industry electronic interchange of business transactions. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Reserve Words ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ AREA TYPES H= Header D= Detail S= Summary DATA TYPES AN = Alphanumeric Data N0-N9= Numeric (0-9, decimals, signed) MM = MMDDYY Date Format DD= DDMMYY YY= YYMMDD MAPPING DATA CODES CONDITIONAL OPERATIONS > Greater Than < Less Than >< Not Equal To => Greater Than or Equal To =< Less Than or Equal To * Multiply - Subtract + Add / Divide TABLES @C(Table Name) Cross Reference Tables ~V(Table Name) Verify Table List of Reserved Words RESERVED WORD DESCRIPTION CURRENT-DATE System Date CURRENT-TIME System Time GScount Number of GS segments within ISA-IEA INTPNO Your Internal Trading Partner Number RECEIVER-ID Receiver ID in the ISA segment SENDER-ID Sender ID in the ISA segment SEcount Segment count within document (ST thru SE) STcount Sequential Count of each ST ISA01 thru ISA16 Values of the ISA segment IEA01 thru IEA02 Values of the IEA segment GS01 thru GS08 Values of the GS segment GE01 thru GE02 Values of the GE segment SAVE01 THRU Constant save areas (initialized at SAVE40 beginning of each ST segment) SAVE41 THRU Constant save areas (initialized at SAVE45 beginning of each GS segment) SAVE46 THRU Constant save areas (initialized at SAVE50 beginning of each ISA segment) COUNTER01 THRU Counter total area (initialized at COUNTER15 beginning of each ST segment) COUNTER16 THRU Counter total area (initialized at COUNTER20 beginning of each GS segment) COUNTER21 THRU Counter total area (initialized at COUNTER25 beginning of each ISA segment)